EasyTag vs Google Tag Manager server-side

EasyTag is easy. Google Tag Manager server-side is certainly not. Is EasyTag so easy compared to GTM? Who has time setting up a Google Cloud Project, with a server-side container, handling scaling, availability, firewall, setting up Clients, Transformations, Tags, Triggers and Variable configurations? We have choosen a different approach. We do all the complex setup […]
EasyTag vs Stape.io – alternative

Stape.io shined a light on server-side analytics. EasyTag places it at the heart of your organization. Web designers are making the switch from Stape.io to EasyTag. Use your existing analytics setup and upgrade to EasyTag. Why are people switching to EasyTag? Wait can EasyTag really replace Stape.io + Server-side Google Tag Manager? Yes. EasyTag is […]
Server-side tagging templates

In the contemporary digital landscape, the integration of diverse data streams into powerful analytical tools like ArcGIS and PowerBI is pivotal for businesses seeking to harness the full potential of their data. Our latest offering in server-side tagging templates is a game-changer in this regard. It not only enables seamless streaming of data to these […]
Host your own Google Analytics 4 data

In the ever-evolving landscape of data analytics and management, organizations constantly seek ways to maximize control and utility of their data. Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is at the forefront of this realm, offering robust analytics capabilities. However, a growing trend is the move towards hosting your own GA4 data. This blog post explores how this […]
Google Analytics 4 – Service

In the digital age, understanding user behavior is crucial for businesses to thrive online. Google Analytics has been a cornerstone in this domain, and its latest iteration, Google Analytics 4 (GA4), represents a significant leap forward. This blog post delves into the fundamentals of GA4 and the growing importance of server-side tracking within its ecosystem. […]